Protocol COVID-19
Alliance Française de La Haye
Introduction :
This protocol is intended to guarantee respect for social distancing and the strictest application of the precautionary principle on the premises of the Alliance française de la Haye (Emmapark 6, 2595 ET Den Haag) to prevent the spread of COVID 19.
These rules apply to all persons present on the premises (staff and students of the Alliance Française de la Haye) and proven non-compliance with this protocol may lead the school management to deny access to the premises to the persons concerned without any condition of compensation for the students.
Anyone with mild or more severe symptoms (or close family members with symptoms) reminiscent of COVID (runny nose, fever, shortness of breath, cough, loss of smell or taste ….) is advised not to visit the AFLH premises and to be tested before considering returning to the premises.
The key principles are :
– Respect for a distance of 1.5 m between everyone,
– the most systematic disinfection of hands as soon as possible,
– Wearing the mask if the distance of 1.5 m cannot be guaranteed.
Building Layout
– Input/Output
At the entrance of the building, an indicative ground marking determines the distance of 1.5m.
Hydroalcoholic gel is available in the entrance SAS, staff and students must use it before entering the premises.
The main instructions are posted in the entrance SAS (between the entrance door and the corridor).
In view of the layout of the premises and the inability to guarantee a two-way flow of traffic in accordance with the principle of distance, it is recommended that care be taken not to cross each other in the corridors or on the stairs.
Pupils are asked to go directly to their classrooms after entering the premises, and at the end of the course to leave the building directly.
– Management of the course in the classroom :
The rooms are set up to ensure the distance of 1m50 between students, it is requested to keep this distance.
Students must anticipate their arrival at the Alliance Française in order to enter the classroom sequentially and allow the teacher to start on time.
Staff and teachers ensure that classroom doors are open at the beginning and end of the course so that students do not need to touch them.
Students must go directly to their classrooms.
Break times for the different training groups are spaced out to avoid encounters. At break time, students either stay in their seats or leave the building. For those who have to go to the reception desk, they must respect the safety distances and the number of authorized persons.
In case of non-compliance with the protocol, the teacher present in class, on behalf of the school management, may remind the participants of the need to respect the instructions by asking them to take appropriate measures. If the participant refuses to do so, he or she must inform the management, which will take the appropriate decisions.
At the end of the lesson and at break time, teachers must air the classroom to renew the air.
– Concerning the children’s courses and workshops :
Children are asked to bring their own equipment for their own use only.
The AFLH can no longer guarantee the provision of a snack, so students are asked to bring their own snacks.
We continue to offer water and syrup in disposable cups.
For regular classes, waiting in the reception area for parents and accompanying adults is no longer possible.
For classes for toddlers (under 4 years old) and for Saturday workshops, parents are allowed to accompany their children in strict compliance with this protocol.
The teachers are responsible for escorting the students to the exit of the building where the parents will be waiting.
General Hygiene Rules
– Building
Regular daily and systematic ventilation of the premises (opening of windows, French windows) is required of the staff and the cleaning team (classrooms, office and common areas).
– Wearing the mask
Wearing a mask is not mandatory as long as the safety distance of 1.5m is respected whether for teachers, administration members or students.
The teacher or student who wishes to do so may wear his or her mask.
– Classrooms
A hydro-alcoholic gel is available in each classroom as well as a spray and paper towels for cleaning tables and chairs.
The rubbish bins in each classroom are emptied daily.
– Cleaning
A daily intensive cleaning of all rooms, toilets, doors, handles, tables is carried out.
- Fire
In case of fire, the evacuation protocol takes precedence over this protocol.